A safe building starts at the doors

Safety in buildings begins upon crossing their thresholds, both literally and figuratively speaking. Entering a building we rarely notice how many functions its main doors actually perform. Doors along escape and rescue routes, installed to protect the lives and healths of their users, have to comply with stringent safety requirements and also operate seamlessly on an every-day basis. All elements of an escape route door have to be in synch to ensure trouble-free functioning during everyday use as well as in emergency situations. GEZE fittings systems are designed for compatibility in order to deliver the required safety levels. 

Karol, let me start with the basics. What is an escape route door control unit, and how does it differ from a standard lock? 

An escape route door control unit is a highly specialized solution which makes it possible to rapidly open doors in an escape direction without the need to use a key. This is essential at venues which are required to provide escape routes. These include public use buildings, offices, schools or hospitals. The main difference between an escape route door control unit and a standard lock is that the former have to reliably and rapidly function in difficult and stressful situations.

Escape route door control units may seem like a mundane safety element. Do you, as the Technical Director, know of any innovative solutions which might change that point of view?

Well, that is a very interesting issue! Locks are often seen as having reached the end of their evolutionary road. However, in reality, there is ample room for innovation. For example, the idea underpinning GC lock solutions was to integrate door functions. Here I am talking about automation, ventilation, access control and emergency escape route functions in a single integrated solution. Such door control units are networked with building management systems or motion detectors and unlock automatically so that doors can be freely opened to provide emergency ventilation or escape route access whilst acting as elements of a building's access control system during everyday use.

An escape route door control unit is a highly specialized solution which makes it possible to rapidly open doors in an escape direction without the need to use a key.

Karol Więckowski, Technical Director at GEZE Polska Sp. z o.o.
GC lock Panikschloss

System solutions for single and double leaf emergency exit and panic doors. © GEZE GmbH

Powerturn Single-action doors GEZE electromechanical swing door drive for 1- and 2-leaf 153065

Electromechanical swing door drive for single leaf doors weighing up to 600 kg. © GEZE GmbH

Would it be fair to say then that GC lock is not simply an escape door lock, but rather a complex system which performs an extensive number of door functions?

That is exactly right. For a long time we have been supplying GEZE Powerturn single-action door drives designed to automatically open large and heavy door leaves, the K 600 GEZE retractable arms which are ideally suited for use as part of air intake systems as well as door closers responsible for use comfort and reliable door closing. The GC lock line naturally brings all of these elements together to deliver a comprehensive solution so that our customers do not have to worry about installing, configuring, using the system components which are guaranteed to be compatible.

This really seems like a great opportunity for your customers, who will be able to obtain a comprehensive door solution which performs the required functions. However, can your customers also count on reliable advice in terms of selecting the right solution which satisfies all the relevant regulations?

For us, that is an absolute priority. We are always more than happy to assist in selecting solutions and to provide guidance on compliance with regulations. And this also applies to GC lock solutions. In supplying products in the form of escape route door control units, we are obliged to comply with the requirements as set forth in the  PN-EN 179 and PN-EN 1125 standards. The German MPA NRW institute has issued constancy of performance certificates for the GC lock system to confirm compliance with the aforementioned standards. 

You mentioned a number of diverse door functions which have to be integrated to ensure functional systems. How does the GC lock line help?

Doors, apart from their basic closing function, often have to satisfy additional requirements. Talking about escape route doors it is obvious that closing is only one of the required functions. By selecting appropriate door control units we are able to ensure safe opening in the event of an emergency. Additionally the same doors might need to be opened automatically, feature access control and operate as part of a smoke extraction system to allow air venting. The right choice of fittings depends on all of the above. By using GC locks which feature automatic unlatching solutions, together with GEZE IQ eStrike electric strike systems, we are able to deliver all the aforementioned functions even if they have to be combined in a single door unit. 

Yes, the GC lock line certainly provides a truly comprehensive solution. I am glad we were able to discuss modern requirements placed on doors. Thank you for your time.

Thank you too and I hope I was able to shed some light on escape route door devices and briefly outline this essential and complex issue.